Study of .NET framework with comparison of various framework versions.

            .NET framework is an important Windows component that supports the execution of applications created by using various programming languages, such as Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual F# and Visual C++. The .NET framework consists of a virtual execution system called the CLR and a set of class libraries.

           The .NET Framework is really a cluster of several technologies. These include the following:

      The .NET languages:
 These include Visual Basic, C#, JScript .NET (a server-side version of JavaScript), J# (a Java clone), and C++.
       The Common Language Run time (CLR):
This is the engine that executes all .NET programs and provides automatic services for these applications, such as security checking, memory management, and optimization.

    The .NET Framework class library:
 The class library collects thousands of pieces of prebuilt functionality that you can “snap in” to your applications. These features are sometimes organized into technology sets, such as ADO.NET (the technology for creating database applications) and Windows Forms (the technology for creating desktop user interfaces).

    ASP.NET: This is the engine that hosts the web applications you create with .NET, and supports almost any feature from the .NET class library. ASP.NET also includes a set of web-specific services, like secure authentication and data storage.

     Visual Studio: This optional development tool contains a rich set of productivity and debugging features. The Visual Studio setup DVD includes the complete .NET Framework, so you won’t need to download it separately.

            Microsoft released the first version of .NET with the name .NET framework 1.0 in 2002, along with the Visual Studio.NET (2002) Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

            The second revised version of .NET took nearly a year to release and was known as .NET framework 1.1 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET (2003).

            The next version .NET framework 2.0, was released with Visual Studio.NET (2005).NET framework 3.0 formerly called WinFX was released in 2006.

            The next version .NET framework 3.5 was released with Visual Studio.NET (2008).The latest version, .NET framework 4.0 was announced by Microsoft in 2008 and in 2010, the final version of .NET framework 4.0 was released.    

Visual Studio

Default inWindows
Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET 2003
Windows Server 2003
Visual Studio 2005
Windows Server 2005
Visual Studio 2008
Windows Vista, Windows
Server 2008
Visual Studio 2010
Windows 7,Windows Server 2008