How can I pass TET-1 exam easily....??

The Steps to pass TET-1 exam easily

1. Section-wise preparation :
 Tet-1 question paper is divided into 5 sections:Principles of Child Development and Education, Gujarati, English, Maths and Environment-social science-general knowledge-knowledge of current trends. The marks for each section is 30, 30, 30, 30, 30 respectively.
You may spread your preparation in each section accordingly giving more time and energy to your subject of teaching.

2. Strengthen your strong areas:
At this moment, instead of 
focusing more on your weak subject areas, why not pay more attention to your strong areas. You may strengthen your powerful subject areas more so that you may not lose any marks in them.
3. Coaching institutes:
Though coaching institutes may help by providing good study material but I personally do not prefer them. If you have good books and masters degree in hand, you can do it all with your own effort.
4. Intermediate syllabus:
You may start by covering all of intermediate syllabus in your subject concerned as most of the questions are prepared from XI and XII text books.

5. Pay attention to basic concepts:
Instead of studying superficially, try to get all the basic ideas of your subject clear. If you have thorough knowledge of basic concept s, you can answer even a very twisted question correctly.
We hope that above mentioned suggestions will help you in clearing TET-1 exam.... 
All the best...!!

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