Database link in DBMS

Use the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement to create a database link. A database link is a schema object in one database that enables you to access objects on another database. The other database need not be an Oracle Database system. However, to access non-Oracle systems you must use Oracle Heterogeneous Services.
Once you have created a database link, you can use it to refer to tables and views on the other database. In SQL statements, you can refer to a table or view on the other database by appending @dblink to the table or view name. You can query a table or view on the other database with the SELECT statement. You can also access remote tables and views using any INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or LOCK TABLE statement.

To create a private database link, you must have the CREATE DATABASE LINK system privilege. To create a public database link, you must have the CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK system privilege. Also, you must have the CREATE SESSION system privilege on the remote Oracle database.

Oracle Net must be installed on both the local and remote Oracle databases.


   CONNECT TO user_id IDENTIFIED BY pass_word
   USING 'query_string';


Types of Database links

 Private database link
This link is more secure than a public or global link, because only the owner of the private link, or subprograms within the same schema, can use the link to access the remote database.
sql> CREATE DATABASE LINK link_name CONNECT TO user_id IDENTIFIED BY pass_word USING 'query_string';
 Public database link
 When many users require an access path to a remote Oracle Database, you can create a single public database link for all users in a database.
        2  USING 'orcl1';
 Global database link
 When an Oracle network uses a directory server, an administrator can conveniently manage global database links for all databases in the system. Database link management is centralized and simple.