Introducation AI

Prolog (programming in logic) is one of the most widely used programming languages in artificial intelligence research. As opposed to imperative languages such as C or Java (which also happens to be object-oriented) it is a declarative programming language. That means, when implementing the solution to a problem, instead of specifying how to achieve a certain goal in a certain situation, we specify what the situation (rules and facts) and the goal (query) are and let the Prolog interpreter derive the solution for us. Prolog is very useful in some problem areas, such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, databases,

Prolog is a ‘declarative’ language........
        Clauses are statements about what is true about a problem, instead of instructions how to accomplish the solution.
        The Prolog system uses the clauses to work out how to accomplish the solution by searching through the space of possible solutions.

        Not all problems have pure declarative specifications. Sometimes extra logical statements are needed.