The structure of AI

All programs written in Prolog contain at least 4 parts:

What is DOMAIN?
.  The section of code where we define the legal values for any type that is not defined
as a standard type. This may include aliasing of types (renaming).
.  Domain declarations can also be used to define structures that are not defined by the
standard domains.

.  What are PREDICATES?
.  The PREDICATES section is where we define predicates to be used in the
CLAUSES section and define the domains for their arguments.
.  Symbolic name of a relation
.  We found it best to think of predicate declarations as function prototypes.
.  Ex: age(string, integer )

.  What are CLAUSES
.  Clauses are the heart of the program.
.  A clause is an instance of a predicate, followed by a period.
.  Clauses are of  two types:
.  Facts
.  Rules

Clause Facts:

o  Facts in the CLAUSE section are relations that are known to be true by the
o  Self-standing basis for inference
o  A property of an object or a relation between objects.
o  Ex: red(car)