Cisco packet Tracer introducation

Ø  Cisco Packet Tracer is a medium fidelity, network-capable, simulation-based learning environment for networking novices to design, configure, and troubleshoot computer networks at a CCNA-level of complexity.

Ø  Packet Tracer is an integrated simulation, visualization, collaboration, and assessment environment.

Ø  Packet Tracer supports simulations, visualizations, and animations of networking phenomena. Like any simulation, Packet Tracer relies on a simplified model of networking devices and protocols.

Ø  Real computer networks experienced both in-person/hands-on and remotely, remain the benchmark for understanding network behavior and developing networking skills.

Ø  Packet Tracer was created to help address the Digital Divide in networking education, where many students and teachers lack access to equipment, bandwidth, and interactive modes of learning networking.

Ø  Cisco Packet Tracer provide following types of devices,
o   Routers
o   Switches
o   Connections / Links
o   End Devices
o   Hub-PT
o   Repeater-PT

o   AccessPoint