Reports generator in

The basic is microsoft viewer is used to create a reports.We also combined with the database.Then we need to create a dataset that imports datatable column.We need also code in c# as Filldata table using select query.We also combine data source table object.

Design page have different field header,footer and body.We set basic border,line defines and set also fonts and layout.Each field retrieve data using parsing query it.So,we can get generates reports using data.

We needs also export the reports.And also provides search the data.There is also provides grouping name that is operate on it.There are also operate the so me operation on the data.There is change on group name.

Each field have properties like font name,size,layout and other features needs to change.

In this video have the Basic report generation reports in include windows application to describes the create any reports from the data.The windows reports are generates in the video.