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Study of language features and comparison of VB.NET and C#.

            VB.Net is intended for use with Microsoft Office. C# is the latest release of C++. C# is easier to learn than VB.Net. To learn C#, one should first learn C++. C# is more advanced than VB.Net. C# runs faster than VB.Net. The differences lie in mainly three sections:
·        Syntax
·        Object Oriented features
·        Visual Studio .NET IDE
Comparison between C# and VB.NET  
                        C#                                                                                VB.Net
·        No Auto Case adjust                                                           Auto case adjust
·        Requires “{, }, ;”                                                                No line terminators
·        Enforces programming rules.                                               Requires “Begin, End”
·        Unsafe Blocks                                                                     Still intended as RAD tool.
·        Documentation Comments                                                 Allows late binding
·        Operator Overloading                                                          VB.NET is slower in execution
than C#
·        C# is easier to learn than VB.NET                                       XML literals
·        Multiline comments                                                                       Auto wire up of events
·        C# is case sensitive                                                             VB is case insensitive


Study of .NET framework with comparison of various framework versions.

            .NET framework is an important Windows component that supports the execution of applications created by using various programming languages, such as Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual F# and Visual C++. The .NET framework consists of a virtual execution system called the CLR and a set of class libraries.

           The .NET Framework is really a cluster of several technologies. These include the following:

      The .NET languages:
 These include Visual Basic, C#, JScript .NET (a server-side version of JavaScript), J# (a Java clone), and C++.
       The Common Language Run time (CLR):
This is the engine that executes all .NET programs and provides automatic services for these applications, such as security checking, memory management, and optimization.

    The .NET Framework class library:
 The class library collects thousands of pieces of prebuilt functionality that you can “snap in” to your applications. These features are sometimes organized into technology sets, such as ADO.NET (the technology for creating database applications) and Windows Forms (the technology for creating desktop user interfaces).

    ASP.NET: This is the engine that hosts the web applications you create with .NET, and supports almost any feature from the .NET class library. ASP.NET also includes a set of web-specific services, like secure authentication and data storage.

     Visual Studio: This optional development tool contains a rich set of productivity and debugging features. The Visual Studio setup DVD includes the complete .NET Framework, so you won’t need to download it separately.

            Microsoft released the first version of .NET with the name .NET framework 1.0 in 2002, along with the Visual Studio.NET (2002) Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

            The second revised version of .NET took nearly a year to release and was known as .NET framework 1.1 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET (2003).

            The next version .NET framework 2.0, was released with Visual Studio.NET (2005).NET framework 3.0 formerly called WinFX was released in 2006.

            The next version .NET framework 3.5 was released with Visual Studio.NET (2008).The latest version, .NET framework 4.0 was announced by Microsoft in 2008 and in 2010, the final version of .NET framework 4.0 was released.    

Visual Studio

Default inWindows
Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET 2003
Windows Server 2003
Visual Studio 2005
Windows Server 2005
Visual Studio 2008
Windows Vista, Windows
Server 2008
Visual Studio 2010
Windows 7,Windows Server 2008

 User Manuare Access

In this video provides UMA stock used as given below.That's steps are used for creation of any application.In this video we provides how to create database with interact with the checkbox,dropdown box,checkbox etc

The step below to content include as below:

  1. Create a table include date,city name,ward,customer and contact number etc
  1. Then create a webpage to allow user to enter details
  1. That details needs to convert into proper format  and store it into database.
  1. Thus any user can interact with the system.
The main feature autosuggest to text from the user.That is helpful for the search  box used in every site.It also used message box for user wrong input.That checking input is used form of user entry which is useful for user interface sites.The concept explain in details below click......

The feature is also user can give the 2 or 3 word then identify city name and access proper name.It's remove spell mistake of user entries.This is helpful for user does not remain city name,It is retrieve from the database.And other feature is date selection from the calendar entries.In this video also contain the user login and session and cookie details demos.That's used in the all project make user authentication used.

There are some problem conversion of one type of data to other.There is given some feature that is used to change it.There are some data are used unique.That is created automatic and need not to update it.

Chckbox in have checkbox and outher rchtoll box which is useful for creation of apps.In video show that the  how to create checkbox and how to code the checkbox. Checkbox select multiple option at a time.

There is a checkbox for the windows form.There is easy way to give the value in the checkbox.There is need to write 1 word and search all state in checkbox and give answer.There is need to query like compare each starting word to the input start word.

There is also need to show message box for selecting items.It's means it is auto suggest and auto complete modes.

We also same work data retrieve using database.There is command Fillstatecombo,which is used to store the state of the database.So,we can get to write any 1 word give suggestion from the database.

Database in have major parts of database used.Without database,we can not made a dynamic website.There is need to create a dynamic site.

We need to create an component of connection and then needs to open connection and close connection. There is also need these operation in the load page parts.There is also needs to define a query like select,insert,delete etc operation.Query is useful for the execute query using execute query command.

In login module there is need to retrieve user details from the database and create a session for clients.There is also provides cookie that is stored in local system.registration module,there is a   data store from database.The information are need to be store in user database table. 

There is a new features that password stored in encrypted text rather than original form.So,it is provides security to it. have feature of database storage and require to store information secrure.There are given the step of step database creation for user.The steps are download below link..

Foreign key used in

There is used a primary and foreign key used.Primary key as one table information save the same data in the foreign database table.The primary data not unique,and foreign key.

Foreign key set as same key both primary key and foreign key is same,and also set update rule as cascade.Using getdate() give the current time also.We can not change the table information.There is also connect each primary table connect to the foreign key. database have two keys primary and foreign key. Each key are use as  below.The primary key have one identifier.

There is also use inner joint,outer joint,join used.Join means joint two table,each field joint,the common fields.Inner join have left side common,but right side data remove.Outer join have right table field but remove left side field.

Below link for  the video download

Reports generator in

The basic is microsoft viewer is used to create a reports.We also combined with the database.Then we need to create a dataset that imports datatable column.We need also code in c# as Filldata table using select query.We also combine data source table object.

Design page have different field header,footer and body.We set basic border,line defines and set also fonts and layout.Each field retrieve data using parsing query it.So,we can get generates reports using data.

We needs also export the reports.And also provides search the data.There is also provides grouping name that is operate on it.There are also operate the so me operation on the data.There is change on group name.

Each field have properties like font name,size,layout and other features needs to change.

In this video have the Basic report generation reports in include windows application to describes the create any reports from the data.The windows reports are generates in the video.


stored procedure generator in

Store procedure are used for separately used for operation individual's result.There is used for sql query used for operation made.There is some operation as select,insert and delete operation query store.The store procedure name are defined in the application to do operation as define in store procedure.The operation is retreive using store procedure used.There is create or alter are need for table.There is need to define table parameter types are need.There is also need unique value that is indx have automatic increase value.

There is used a @ symbol for field of the table used.There is used as alter with table name,Insert into operation and values are used for insert operation.@value is used For retrieve from textbox have value name used.

There is need to used same column name as the insert operation.The unique value need not to be insert value,It is automatic update it.There is also used SET as value set for any column.There is used as int,varchar(50),char(2),output,date,dateandTime.Varchar(200),char(10),string and etc.

If any column need to unknown value then declare as NULL value for that column.The output give any error or say any rows affected or not.If any row affect then operation is successful.If any raw not affect then the result is not retrieve using query.Error describe problem inquery used. keyword

Ever programming language uses set of predefine words in coding.These are language specification and are known as have many predefine word which is called keyword.Keyword having some meaning which is predefined.Keyword are not used for variable name.There is already define in the library.There is some fix name as used. have two type of keyword is
  1. Reserved
  2. unreserved 
In reserved keyword are not used for other elements.In unreserved keyword are used for other elements.Reserved keywords are used for programming elements such as variable,method and classes.While unreserved keyword are avoid  used for programming elements.

The reserved keyword are As,call,cchar,CInt,Continue, Decimal,Error,in,goto,for,function,class, like,else,if,Byte,Byval,Date,CStr,Dim,Integer,Lib,Loop,IsNot,Is,CUINT,Long,Nothing,Case,CDate,Like and etc.

The unreserved keyword are:from,compare,text,skip,off,where,tack. CLR

CLR is component of .net Framework.It is execution engie.CLR called runtime in somecase.Source code compiler converted into MSIL code then execute it.

There are different component are given below:

  • Class loader
  • JIT compiler
  • Code Manager
  • Garbage collection
  • Security engine
  • Type checker
NET Framework is an important windows component that supports the execution of application created by using various programming language such as visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++.

Common Language runtime( CLR) is one of the most important component of  .NET Framework.
It Supervises the execution of a .NET program by Providing Various properties and controls in the area of memory management, security, and exception handling.

CLR is also called as the execution engine of .NET framework,And also known as RuntimeThe code run on CLR is runcode or manage code.There also provides security.It also managed the array,collection,folder.

NET application is Compiled into MSIL Code( Microsoft Intermediate Language) .MSIL code to Native Code with help of JIT( Just in Time Compiler)Provide the concepts of Managed code and Unmanaged Code.MSIL is a code that consists of CPU and platform independent set of instruction, which can easily converted to native code, also called intermediate language (IL).

An assembly is a logical DLL or EXE, and a manifest is a detailed description (metadata) of an assembly.The .NET compiler produces a portable executable PE file for CLR with the extensions of .exe or .dll.This PE file is mainly comprised of metadata and IL (Intermediate Language).Metadata contains a number of different tables; for example, a type definition table, a filed definition table, a method definition table, and so forth.By parsing these tables, we can get an assembly's types and attributes.