implements hill cipher algorithms

Hill cipher is polygraphics substitute cipher based on linear agenda.Each number represent by numbers as A=0,B=1,,,,,,Z=25.Then make below operations:

Each plain text represented by the 1*N matrix and key is N*N matrix and matrix multipication apply.The decryption,inverse the matrix.

For example ACT is plain text,convert into cipher text.A=0,C=3,T=19.
The matrix is(0 3 19) in column

We need also select one key to encrypt it..The key is 3*3 matrix forms.Then convert it encrypted text.
The program is given belows:


void enc(char p[]);
void dec(char c[]);
int k;
void main()
                        char p[20];
                        printf("enter the plaintext:");
                        printf("enter the key:");
void enc(char p[])
                        int i;
                        char c[50];
                                    if((c[i]>90 && c[i]<94)||(c[i]>122 && c[i]<126))
                                    printf("encrypted message: %s",c);
void dec(char c[])
                        int i;
                        char p[100];
                                    if((c[i]>64 && c[i]<69)||(c[i]>96 && c[i]<100))
                                    printf("\n decrypted message:%s",p);