Thermodynamics introducation

Thermodynamics is the science of energy transfer which deals with the relations among heat, work and properties of systems.The name thermodynamics is derived from the Greek words therme, meaning heat and dynamis meaning power. Thus, thermodynamics is basically the study of heat and power.

Statistical Thermodynamics is microscopic approach in which, the matter is assumed to be made of numerous individual molecules.  Hence, it can be regarded as a branch of statistical mechanics dealing with the average behaviour of a large number of molecules.
Classical thermodynamics is macroscopic approach.  Here, the matter is considered to be a continuum without any concern to its atomic structure.
Consider a gas in a container. Pressure exerted at the wall of the container is the average force per unit area due to the collision of the gas molecules on the wall surface. To determine this pressure, we need not know the behaviour of individual molecules of the gas. This approach is macroscopic approach. However, the results obtained from macroscopic and statistical study of matter.
Types of Thermodynamic Systems
There are three types of thermodynamic systems :
            a)         Closed System
            b)        Open System and
            c)         Isolated System
Thermodynamic Properties
In all thermodynamic problems energy transfer to or from the system is observed. To receive, store and deliver energy a working substance is present within the system. The characteristics which can be used to describe the condition of the system are known as properties.
Thermodynamic properties are classified into two categories : intensive and extensive.