SQL Query

In this pdf we can explain the below points.

Create Table Construct:There is describes how to create table with right parameters.There is different types of char,varchar,string,number etc.There is also explain the context of the sql query statements.
create table branch(branch_namechar(15),branch_citychar(30),assets integer,primary key (branch_name))
There is used as primary key and foreign key.Primary key not allow null,it is unique.Foreign key is allow null value.

Drop and Alter Table Constructs:
The drop table delete all information from table.Alter table update information from original informations.
alter table r add A D
Where D is domain of A,A is attribute used.

Basic query structure:
A query operation based on the set and relation operation are used.There is common type of operation is select,insert,update etc.

A typical SQL query has the form:select A1, A2, ..., An From R1, r2, ..., rm where P

  • Ai represents an attribute
  • Ri represents a relation
  • Pis a predicate.

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