“ Security through Webcam “

Our Project defination is “Security Through Webcam”, which will provide a way to monitor the entire acitvity of employees in an organization  while roaming in and around the organization through the webcam where we can capture the snapshots of an employee periodically and forward it to the higher authority.

Software will provide a facility to change the authenticated mobile number and also the change duration between two snapshot so that authenticated person can reduce or increase sensitivity of software. The software can  store the compressed snapshots, so any time can show snapshot.

Keywords :-
i)                Capture from webcam
ii)              Send to autherise person email-id
iii)            Authentication
iv)             Store in compress form
v)               Information Management

vi)             Motion Detection

Our project defination is for security through the webcam from which we can capture the snapshot from the software automatically.
The project will takes a snapshot from webcam and send it to authorized person’s email-id. So that he can monitor work done by employees. He or she can also capture the snapshot from the webcam.
The Software will also give a facility to change this authenticated mobile number so that in some situation, if required we can change authenticated person’s mobile no. like if person resign and new person joins at his place in company.
The Software will also provide a facility to send snapshots to more than one people if required so that more then one persons can examine the work simultenously if required.
The Software  will also  store webcam snapshot on pc so that if manager or authenticated person Is busy, in future he can see what was done in office in his absence.