Gate 2015: Computer (CS0 syllabus)

Gate 2015
Engineering Mathematics:

Mathematics Logics:

Propositional Logic, First Order Logic

Condition Probability, Mean Median, Mode and standard deviation, Random variable, Distribution, Uniform, Normal, Exponential, Poisson, Binomial

Set Theory and algebra
Sets, Relation, Function, Groups, Partial order, Lattice

Permutation, Combinations, Functions, Groups, Counting, Summation, Generating Function, Recurrence Relation

Graph Theory
Connectivity, Spanning Tree, Cut vertices and edges, Covering, Matching, and Independence set, Coloring,

Linear Algebra

Web Technology
Html, xml, Basic concept of client and server
Computer Network
ISO-OSI network, LAN Technology, Flow and error Control Technology, Routing algorithms, Congestion Control, TCP-UDP and socket and IP4-6, Application Layer Protocols, Basic concepts of hub, switches, gateways, Routers, Network security,  Private and public key cryptography.

Information System and software Engineering
Information  in Gathering, Requirements and facility analysis, Data Flow Diagram, Process specification, Design, Coding, Process life Cycle, Planning and manning the project, Implementation, Maintained.

ER-model, Relation Model, Database Model, Database design, Query Language, File Structure,  Transaction and concurrent control

Operating System
Process, Threads, Inter-process, Concurrency, Synchronization, Deadlock, CPU, scheduling, File System, IO system, Protection, security.