English for Competitive Exams
- English is a major part in almost all the competitive exams of today’s world. Without having a good command over English language can make your chances very less to survive in this competitive world.
- This script covers all aspects of how to prepare English for competitive exams. In this script you will find different way to boost your English knowledge and skill for the competition exam.
- Not only entrance exams, both of public and private sector, English is now being regularly asked in most Job entrance test along with in Major exams for higher studies.
- Learn the basics and proper usage of Grammar
- Improve your Vocabulary
- Go through the Comprehension skills
- Should avoid spelling mistakes
- Make sure that sentence formation is clear and concise.
- Grammar includes the topic as Sentence completion, Synonyms, Antonyms, spotting the Errors, idioms & phrases, spellings Check ,Re-arranging sentences, these are some important section which is very useful for the competition.
- So aspirants should be focus on above topic which covered in the syllabus of English Competition Exam.
- Grammar can be improved only through practice. Learning the basic rules and practicing sentences of your own by checking it through Internet or some other means is one way to improve your Grammar.
- Spotting errors is very difficult in the exam because it’s not easy to remember all the grammatical rules but when you are into serious reading habits you will intuitively know that there is some error in this part of sentence.
- Building a handsome vocabulary is in one’s own hands. Vocabulary can’t be increased in several months if you try to go by just learning words and not using them.
- For effectively increasing your vocabulary, you should follow English newspapers regularly it will be beneficial to improve the vocabulary and also to increase the general awareness.
- You can also watch English news channels and movies and try to learn and use new words from there.
- You can also follow vocabulary list having examples of usage with them.
- To be able to score good in comprehension, vocabulary should be good. Comprehension is one section where you can get full marks if you are able to understand the passage given.
- If you don’t have a good vocabulary, try to build one, you can also try to relate the meaning of tough words in terms of the sentence and paragraph given to help you understand the comprehension.
- Spelling Mistakes leave the great impact in the preparation of English for any competitive exam. A wrong spelling can change the complete meaning of sentence. You need to be sure that whatever you write.
- Sentence formation is an important aspect, while writing the descriptive test of any exam, as all your opinion and ideas can only be put forward easily if have the ability to form a sentence in a right way.